How to Start A Business Without Any Money in 2024

This is a new site for the book.

The book needed it.

The World has changed.

The book was originally written and published in 2021, and I knew at once it was not finished, but I just wanted to get it out.

Not waiting for perfection is a strategy I heartily recommend. I was not surprised to discover that initial sales were slow. It took Amazon a while to put it at the top of the list. I am delighted to see the book is now on page one against a variety of terms.

I also got a really bad review—just 2 stars. I was so upset that I could not read it at first. My baby! How could someone? Then I realized, this was customer feedback and I cleared my eyes (and my brain) and took note of what it said, and improved the book. They were right, it was a fair review, even if I was not ready to see it.

I have updated it each year since, thinking I could not add more to it. However, the first revision had me pull out the main bullet points of the book, and fix the issues mentioned. I referred to these as growth hacks and included them as a simple list within an extra chapter.

The next year, as well as making further necessary grammatical revisions, I expanded the Growth Hacks chapter based on feedback to include links to the chapters where the topics were mentioned.

For 2024, I have taken that chapter out and made it a bonus chapter for download here via this site. I did this to make room in the book for two more chapters.

First, a needed chapter on AI and how it will affect business I see AI as one of the biggest game changers so far this century and, to my mind, more powerful than the development of the internet itself.

I wanted to add a second chapter about sustainable business models, what to look for, and why they are so important, as I keep hearing from well-intentioned people who end up in businesses that have stunted growth potential as there are vital elements missing from their business. I realized I knew this, but this essential content was missing and needed to be added. Now it is, along with 44 businesses listed that meet some or all of the suggested criteria, to demonstrate that this is far from pie-in-the-sky thinking.

I have added more bonus information to the download, and I think this may form the DNA of another book, Creativity in Business. We’ll see.

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